I have heard countless times that my twins boys are "such good babies."
This is mostly true. From birth, Dex and Eli have been, on the whole, very well-behaved, quiet, content babies. For the most part, they only cry when they want something, and that something was almost always food, being the little piggies that they are.
When a new mother is ready to rip her already-thinning hair out of her scalp because her baby is screaming like he's being burned with a cattle brand (for no reason... you've fed, changed, held, and played with him, checked his temperature, given him a pacifier, and yet he continues to sing louder and more obnoxiously than Taylor Swift on a recent breakup rampage with boyfriend number 20,593,745), people just LOOOOOVE to say, "oh honey, it's okay. Babies cry. That's just what they do."
Excuse me.
How many times have I heard this? How many family members, friends, doctors and complete strangers have happily looked me in the eye while holding or playing with one of my currently peaceful, sleeping twins and said this? Never mind that most (re: most, not all) babies are usually content as small, chubby clams when they're cozy and snuggled up to someone's chest. Or when they're being wheeled around the store in the stroller by my husband for an hour without stopping while he zooms up and down aisles making race car sounds.
So, let's make sure we're on the same page so far. I have good babies. It could be much, much worse. One or both of them could have colic, or some horrible disease or disorder, or be disfigured, or not have made it through pregnancy and birth at all. I love my boys more than I thought was possible. I am fortunate and grateful that they were born healthy and full-sized and have never had any complications or lingering problems. They are adorable and hilarious 99% of the time.
The other 1%, I typically resemble a crazed, greasy, pissed-off grizzly bear and I want to gouge my f***ing eardrums out with a ballpoint pen.
Let me put this in terms that virtually anyone can understand, barring any serious mental retardation: until you have twins or more, you. don't. get it. Until you have your first baby(/ies) and they seem perfect and quiet and you get used to everything being ten times easier than everyone assured you it would be, you. don't. get it. Having a singleton first is all fine and dandy, especially if you have your husband, fiancee, boyfriend, etc. to help you out. When baby does something that makes you want to take a swan dive off the nearest skyscraper, you just hand him or her off to hubby and skee-daddle.
However, when you have TWO or more screaming babies and a pair of arms for each one (or less), there is no escape.