Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Who needs bar-hopping booze hounds when you can scour the intarwebz for free shit?

The thrills in my life used to consist of a combination of the following: video games, drinking, chain smoking, pizza at 2am, road trips, meeting cute boys at bars, etc.

I don't miss it.

Except the pizza.

Nowadays, where my priorities have obviously shifted, my thrills now include time with my husband (rare), my babies being happy (kind of rare) and healthy, my cats not barfing on the carpet (very rare), couponing/bargain hunting, crafting/DIY and OMG ONLINE SHOPPING!!!!!!! Some single girls may turn their collective powdered noses up at my humble, home-making life. Some single girls can shove it up their collective asses.

I am so addicted to online shopping that Amazon is --and I kid you not-- bookmarked as number six out of twelve on my Speeddial2 app for Google Chrome. Shut up. I raid the site for super saver shipping deals on the stuff I need, and pair it with gift cards/codes, and, if applicable, stuff like Swagbucks.com Shop-and-Earn programs (you get a certain percentage of "cash back" in Swagbucks for shopping on certain sites, where you can then turn around and redeem Swagbucks for gift cards to stores, restaurants, or... DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNN... AMAZON!).

Between SB and InboxDollars, also, every time I need to buy something special, say printer ink, I check their websites to see if they have any special deals. For example, one time I bought heavily discounted ink cartridges through a site I found on Inboxdollars.com. I got the cartridges for half the price (they were recycled) with free shipping, and because I found it through IBD, they added like $15 to my IDB account. I later redeemed that for a check for $50-some dollars with all my earnings, which then paid our electric bill.

Do you see where I'm going with all this? It's a beautiful, endless cycle of savings! Weeee!

So yeah... most people know that we are currently pretty low-income and rely partially on PA for a little while. Don't worry, we're not spending all of our meager bank account on frivolous crap. I get excited about shampoo.

Plus, I get a LOT of gift cards and rewards codes for the surveys and stuff I do online, not even counting Inbox Dollars and Swagbucks. To date, I've earned a total of almost $70 through Inboxdollars, and about $100 in gift cards from Swagbucks.


btw, I'm currently expecting a package of socks, a wall decal, a mini-fountain, and a hanging closet organizer that I paid a total of about 20 bucks for altogether (and it's a giant-ass professionally made decal, not the dollar store kind... which I also have many of). I could practically pee my pants... seriously. COME TO ME, UPS!

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